Scheduling And Locations

Cherry Creek



This office is 1 mile southeast of the previous building. THE FORUM-- 425 S. Cherry St. Ste. 635, Glendale--near Leetsdale and Cherry across from the large King Soopers.

See scheduling page for exact dates this month.

  • Mondays: Unavailable.

  • Tuesdays: 2-6 PM

  • Wednesdays: Every other Wednesday at either 9-1 PM or 2-6 PM: Feb. 26, 2-6pm, March 5, 9-1pm, March 12, 2-6pm, March 19, 9-1pm, March 26, 2-6pm.

  • Thursdays: 9-1 PM

  • Fridays: 2-5 PM

image of Cherry Creek



The Westminster Office is located at 9035 Wadsworth Parkway, Suite 3650, Westminster, CO 80021. (Click to view map)

This private office is in the Silo Office Park building–just north of 92nd and Wadsworth.  9035 Wadsworth Parkway, Ste. 3650, Westminster, 80021.


Every OTHER Wednesday at 9-1 PM:  February 26, March 12, March 26, April 9, April 23.


This office is north of 92nd and Wadsworth in a building called Silo Office Park.

image of Westminster



NEW OFFICE! starting July 15 located 1 mile north from the old Orchard location. The DTC Office is located at 5105 DTC Pkwy. Ste. 320, Greenwood Village 80111 (NEAR THE DENVER TECH CENTER) (Click to view map).


  • Mondays: 9-6 PM

  • Tuesdays: 9-1 PM

  • Wednesdays: Unavailable; try another office.

  • Thursdays: 2-6 PM

  • Fridays: 9-1 PM


The DTC office address is 5105 DTC Pkwy. Ste. 320. East of I-25 and Belleview just off the highway in the 1st Bank building next to Eddie V's across the street from Shanahans.

image of DTC



The Littleton Office has moved! The new office is 2 blocks away from the old office in the Wells Fargo builiding at 10288 W. Chatfield Ave. Ste. 303, Littleton 80127. (Click to view map).


Every OTHER Wednesday at 2-6 PM: March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, April 30.


This PRIVATE office is located on the west side of Kipling north of C-470 near Chatfield and Kipling in the Wells Fargo building. 10288 W. Chatfield Ave. Ste. 303.

image of Littleton