Nurse Joann’s booking process is a little different than most. You select a preferred appointment time range below and Nurse Joann will promptly get back to you on the exact availability within your preferred time range. This allows Nurse Joann to maximize available appointments at each office so you can get your treatments where and when you want.

You must log in or create an account first to schedule an appointment.

image of DTC


NEW OFFICE! starting July 15 located 1 mile north from the old Orchard location. The DTC Office is located at 5105 DTC Pkwy. Ste. 320, Greenwood Village 80111 (NEAR THE DENVER TECH CENTER) (Click to view map).


  • Mondays: 9-6 PM

  • Tuesdays: 9-1 PM

  • Wednesdays: Unavailable; try another office.

  • Thursdays: 2-6 PM

  • Fridays: 9-1 PM


The DTC office address is 5105 DTC Pkwy. Ste. 320. East of I-25 and Belleview just off the highway in the 1st Bank building next to Eddie V's across the street from Shanahans.