Restylane and Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine
Restylane and Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine
As we age, our faces begin to show the effects of gravity, sun damage, and years of facial movement. The underlying tissues that keep our skin looking young begins to break down, causing unwanted lines and wrinkles. Restylane and Restylane Lyft are FDA approved soft tissue fillers that can help restore these lines and loss of tissue. Restylane and Restylane Lyft are injectable gels made from a natural, non-animal derived hyaluronic acid—since it is not derived from animal products, there is very little chance of the body rejecting the product or experiencing an allergic reaction. Hyaluronic acid is a sugar molecule, occurring naturally in the body, which is used to restore volume and fullness to the skin. The results of these products are natural, immediate and long lasting. Restylane works well to fill the deep lines that go from the side of your nose to the side of your mouth—the nasal labial fold. It is also commonly used in the corners of the mouth, pucker/smoker lip lines, jowl lines, deep frown lines between the eyebrows or to enhance the fullness of the lips, the back of the hands, fill in hollow areas under the eyes, or fill in most any wrinkle or deep facial line. Restylane Lyft is designed and intended specifically for deeper skin plumping, restoring volume to the face. It is a larger gel particle than Restylane, and is used mostly in the cheek area. Results are immediate.
Where are dermal fillers used?
Restylane/Restylane Lyft can be used almost anywhere in the face to improve your appearance and add volume where you have lost collagen. Common uses for dermal fillers:
Add volume to sunken cheeks
Add volume to thin lips or unbalanced lips
Shape a recessed chin
Shape the eyebrow for an eyebrow lift
Add volume to sunken temples
Fill the nasal labial folds (line from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth)
Lift sagging jowls by adding volume to the cheek area
Fill the sunken hollows under the eyes
Add shape to the back jaw
Smooth out scars
Smooth the jowl/marionette area (line from the corner of the mouth to the jaw)
Fill flat or wrinkled earlobes (old lady earlobes) so that the earring studs sit upright
Restylane Kysse for the lips
Restylane Kysse is ideal for the lip area. It is used to smooth pucker/smoker lines, add volume to thin lips, and also used to turn up the corners of the mouth. Many people are afraid to get their lips injected because they don’t want the ‘duck’ lip. Your lips should be proportionate to each other—1/3 for upper lip and 2/3rds for the lower lip. If you get too much in the upper lip, you can look ‘ducky’. It is important to remember—if you can tell someone has has something ‘done’, it has been done incorrectly. You should NOT be able to tell you have had anything done once you are healed from the injections. Results are immediate.
How will I look after I get injections?
Most people have mild swelling and redness. Many people go back to work or resume their normal activities. If you get your lips injected, swelling may start the next day and resolve in 2-3 days.
Can I get a Botox/Dysport treatment the same time I get filler?
Yes, Botox/Dysport is used mostly in the upper face, and filler is used mostly in the lower face. Your treatment will be 45 minutes.
How long does Restylane/Restylane Lyft last?
One treatment of Restylane/Restylane Lyft can last up to a year. In an independent study at the University of Michigan Medical School, it is suggested that Restylane actually boosts the body’s own natural collagen production. In some situations, an area treated earlier may not need as much product later since collagen has been produced in the wrinkle. How long Restylane/Restylane Lyft will last depends on your body/skin composition, area treated and the amount of product you received. The injected material tends to dissipate faster in areas that are more affected by muscle movement. Those with a high metabolism (body builders, trainers, thin people) have a tendency to ‘burn’ through filler quicker.
Do Restylane/Restylane Lyft injections hurt?
Effort is made to make this procedure as pleasant as possible. Since there is lidocaine in Restylane/Restylane Lyft, any discomfort is minimal. In areas treated around the mouth, most patients prefer numbing with ice. Once a tiny amount of Restylane/Restylane Lyft is injected, the lip quickly becomes numb from the lidocaine.
What are the common side effects?
Restylane/Restylane Lyft treatments produce a low occurrence of side effects. The most common reported were temporary redness and swelling at the injection site, and bruising. Redness and swelling usually resolve within 1-3 days.
Before treatment instructions:
At least one week prior to appointment:
Stop taking any anti-inflammatory (blood thinners) medication (10-14 days is ideal) such as Asprin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin and Aleve. (make sure this is OK with your doctor).
Stop taking blood thinning supplements such as St. John’s Wort, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Garlic, Ginko, Ginseng.
Stop any alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours prior to treatment to help decrease excessive bruising.
Start taking Arnica tablets found at vitamin stores. Follow the instructions on the packaging.
One day prior to appointment, start taking Bromelain (follow the instructions on the packaging) and/or eat fresh pineapple.
You may want to eat and drink prior to your treatment to help with any lightheadedness.
It is best to schedule your injection appointment at least two weeks prior to an event so that you have time to heal from any bruising/swelling.
If you have any medical concerns with stopping or starting any medication or supplement, be sure to contact your physician first. If you are on Wafarin or Coumadin, check with your doctor prior to taking Arnica, and/or Bromelain.
After care instructions:
Cold compresses may be applied immediately after treatment to help swelling, bruising and discomfort.
Avoid touching the treated area within 6 hours following treatment so you do not accidentally injure you skin while it is numb. After that, the area can be gently washed with soap and water.
Until there is no redness or swelling, avoid exposure of the treated area to intense heat (sun lamp or sun bathing).
If you have previously suffered from facial cold sores, there is a risk that the needle punctures could contribute to another occurrence. Be sure to let your nurse injector know if you need medication.
Avoid taking asprin and other anti-inflammatory medications including Asprin, Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin, St. John’s Wort, Fish oil, and high doses of Vitamin E one week after treatment. These agents may increase bruising, bleeding and swelling at the injection site. You may take Tylenol for discomfort--Tylenol is not a blood thinner. Traumeel topical works well for bruising (found at Whole Foods, Vitamin stores). Bromelain tablets help minimize bruising by digesting proteins that trigger bruising and swelling. Take 250 mg 4 times a day until the bruise has healed. Minor bruising can last 2-14 days. Take Tumeric, 250 mg 4 times a day until the bruise is healed. Continue to take Arnica tablets also, until the bruise has healed.
Avoid excessive exercise for 24 hours.
How do you know how much filler you need?
You can make an appointment for a complimentary consult, or give Joann, RN, CANS, a call and we can discuss what you would like to have done.
Most people need 1-2 cc’s of Restylane for the nasal labial fold–the line that goes from the side of your nose to the side of your mouth. This is often the same for those that want their marionette lines treated–the line from the corner of your mouth to your jaw.
If you want your cheeks fuller, most people need a minimum of 2 cc’s Restylane Lyft for both cheeks.
Restylane-L and Restylane Lyft-L
The world’s #1 selling dermal filler, Restylane, or Restylane Lyft has lidocaine in each syringe. In clinical studies evaluating the Restylane Collection:
72% of patients reported significantly less discomfort during treatment with Restylane-L vs. Restylane.
95% of patients reported significantly less discomfort during treatment with Restylane Lyft with lidocaine.
Patients continued to experience less discomfort for up to one hour after treatment with the NEW Restylane Collection of products.
Restylane-L and Restylane Lyft-L pricing remains the same as regular Restylane and Restylane Lyft—-call for pricing.
Restylane Lyft can help you achieve more youthful looking hands!
As we age, volume in the hands deteriorate and hands appear aged—Veins, tendons and bone may become for visible. Hands can often look older than our faces.
Volume loss from age CAN BE CORRECTED!
83% of women have noticed signs of aging on their hands as they’ve grown older. Hand creams can only go so far. Restylane Lyft injected below the surface can correct volume loss and make hands look more youthful and hydrated.
In a recent survey, 78% of women 40 years or older wish they could change the way their hands look. Two thirds of women said they would have a non-surgical treatment to improve the appearance of their hands. 65% think their hands make them look older than their age.
Restylane Lyft for hands is the first and only hyaluronic acid based filer FDA approved for hands.
How much Restylane Lyft will you need? Most people have best results with 3 cc/syringes of Restylane Lyft.
Does it hurt? Discomfort is MINIMAL—most people only needs a few tiny injections—the product is then massaged in the area needed where loss of volume has occurred. Results are immediate.
Can I bruise/swell after injection? Yes, bruising/swelling is common when filler is injected, but is often minimal in hands. Redness and tenderness can occur but this is also often minimal.
How long will Restylane Lyft in the hands last? Your treatment for hands should last 6 months or longer.
Is this treatment safe? Yes! Restylane Lyft for hands is dissolvable if necessary with natural looking results.
For more information about Restylane Lyft for hands, visit
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